It’s an acronym that has been a part of the marketing nexus for years now, SEO. Search Engine Optimization. You’ve probably heard if you’re not using SEO for your site, then your business is missing out. For the most part, that’s correct, Google’s algorithm directs the flow of internet traffic, and the algorithm “likes” certain things. What is sometimes overlooked (or oversimplified) about SEO is that it’s not only about placing the right words and using them as many times as possible, but also about creating content and an experience that people find valuable and enjoyable.

The Hard Truth About SEO

There’s no tricking Google’s algorithm. It’s too smart these days, relying upon many different aspects to develop its rankings. It’s ever evolving to be better and provide better results for its users, so if you’re getting into the SEO game, you should be ready to put a lot of time and energy into it and not expect overnight results.
Sounds a bit disheartening, right? Well, here’s what we do know about SEO and an overview of implementations that drive results.


SEO is improving a website by working on specific elements that will help your site rank higher on Google’s results page. Why do you want to rank higher on Google? The most current statistic is 75% of people never go past the first page of search results. Then take into account that anyone can find anything from anywhere, and you’ll realize just how much competition there is in every industry and market.So, the higher on Google’s search results page you are, the more traffic your site will get, which ideally, should lead to more business for you.


Google’s algorithm for ranking sites is based on relevance and trust. The more relevant and trusted Google finds your answer, the more likely your site is to rank highly on a search results page. How does Google determine what’s relevant and trusted? Here are a few of the major factors that come into play with rankings.

Your content needs to be valuable and relevant to your audience. This is where your keywords live, but they shouldn’t be shoved into copy. Content for content’s sake won’t do. Content is also where site maintenance comes in. Fresh, updated content that your audience actually wants and finds value in will help you rank higher. Find out who your audience is and how you can give them what they’re looking for to generate great content.

Knowing your audience and what they are searching for is the easiest way to find useful keywords. Again, keywords shouldn’t be haphazardly placed into content because the number of times they were searched, instead gather keywords into topics and themes, allowing it to guide the kind of content you create, so that they are used organically.

Knowing your audience and what they are searching for is the easiest way to find useful keywords. Again, keywords shouldn’t be haphazardly placed into content because the number of times they were searched, instead gather keywords into topics and themes, allowing it to guide the kind of content you create, so that they are used organically.

When visitors go to your site and explore your pages, how quickly does it load? Not only does page speed contribute to Google rankings, but it also contributes to the level of user engagement. People will only wait so long for an answer they need before exiting out of a page. On the topic of user engagement, how visually attractive is your site? Is it easy to navigate? The user experience on your site should not be undervalued. A better experience leads to longer time spent on a site and a greater chance a user will engage with your business.

To establish trust with Google, your site should contain links, both internal and external, that provide value to your content and your audience. As is the rule of thumb with content and keywords, links should also be relevant, high-quality, and fit in naturally. If you’re debating whether to insert a link, ask yourself if it would add anything of value to the page or blog first. The answer to that question should tell you what to include or not.
SEO NEXT STEPSBy considering all these factors and beginning to chip away at each of them, you will optimize your site, as well as your searchability and rankings. An audit of your site is a good place start to begin your SEO journey. From there, you can see where your site is lacking and where you can improve. Have you reviewed your site’s health recently?


Still, implementing SEO can be an overwhelming and time-consuming endeavor. The best practice to remember that should ease the process is that at the end of day, SEO is about creating a stellar user experience filled with content tailored for your audience.

At Next-Mark, we understand the importance of an online presence along with the challenges it presents. That’s why we offer superior SEO and Digital Marketing services. If you feel our capabilities could assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out! 

Get in touch at 941.544.2765 or email us.