A Guide to Crisis Communication in Modern Day PR

Public Relations is the cornerstone of effective crisis communication. In the midst of unexpected challenges, how an organization manages its public image can make or break its reputation. Crisis communication through PR involves a strategic and dynamic process aimed at preserving trust and credibility.

With so many avenues for communication as a business today, the odds of facing crises that require astute and timely responses are naturally higher, so it’s essential your public relations team is decisive yet adept at de-escalating and maintaining your brand’s reputation.

In this year alone, large businesses like TikTok, Silicon Valley Bank, and Ticketmaster faced a flurry of public scrutiny. Though a crisis can feel catastrophic, it only is without great communication management. PR professionals must act swiftly to assess the situation, gather accurate information, and develop a well-thought-out communication plan. This often includes crafting clear and empathetic messages that address the issue at hand while demonstrating the organization’s commitment to resolution. So, don’t panic or freeze, instead become crisis ready by creating a response plan that include the following three steps:

Step 1 – Validate

The last thing you want to do in a crisis when you’re directly in the public’s eye is make your audience feel dismissed, unheard, or devalued. Address it head on, acknowledge why people are upset, own the mistake (even if another party indirectly caused it), and do these promptly. In addition to losing ownership of the story, taking too long to respond can be worse than saying nothing at all. Silence often leads to negative assumptions and communication is essential to de-escalating, especially in situations where people are prone to panic.

Step 2 – Relate

Validating the reason people are upset is just the first step in repairing any damage. Next, is connecting with your audience. Let them know what matters to them, matters to you, and by admitting the mistake, you show you’re imperfect and that’s a good thing; it makes you human. In the same vein, don’t be afraid to be emotive and speak to people’s emotions by painting a picture of a better tomorrow, creating a shared vision that inspires and unites.

Step 3 – Prove

Your team must navigate the fine line between disclosing pertinent information and ensuring that the organization is not incriminated. It’s okay to set the record straight… as long as you do so with a solution and people driven message behind it. Gear that messaging in a way where you guide and refocus the story. Remember to utilize social media effectively by responding to negative comments and steer the conversation back towards a positive outcome. Provide fact-based intel for clarity that demonstrates credibility, and then follow it up by reassuring them not only through words but actions. There needs to be a plan in motion to establish trust; seeing is believing.

You want to be prepared and ready to lead at times when it matters most. Think of crisis management as an opportunity to showcase your brand’s true character and ultimately, that you are a brand to trust and follow. Keeping these steps in mind will help you handle the unexpected successfully.

We may be equipped with language, but communication isn’t always second nature to us. Take the pressure off and turn to Next-Mark for any public relations and communications challenges your business may encounter.

When you partner with us, not only do you have a vast resource of marketing solutions at your fingertips, but you can expect a team of dynamic and seasoned professionals ready to collaborate with you. View our capabilities video to learn more or get in touch at 941.544.2765 or send us an email.


You started your business for a reason; you saw a need or desire and knew you could create a service or product to fulfill it, but if no one knows what you do, and more importantly, who you are, you’re not going to get very far. That’s where strategic marketing begins.

Effecting marketing, marketing that actually moves the needle, isn’t an ad here or a social media post there, it is integrated content working together consistently to tell your brand’s story. Leveraging an extensive suite of marketing tools and comprehensive strategies, we take your business’s potential and create a brand that’s uniquely yours and stands out against the rest. Here’s how we can jumpstart your business’s marketing engine.


With cover stories and high visibility client press coverage, we put your brand front and center of your target audience with messaging that represents your mission and vision clearly.


diverse client portfolio of award-winning designs for brands of every kind. For a look and feel that flawlessly depicts your business, come to our team of talented creative strategists for an elevated brand that draws clients to you.


From website design, creation, and SEO to social media management and digital advertisements to email marketing campaigns and newsletters, we build comprehensive digital strategies that integrate seamlessly with every other element of your marketing plan.


As a certified Salesforce partner, we bridge the gap between strategic content and full utilization of your Salesforce application. From implementation to management of Salesforce, we strive to be a strategic, collaborative partner focused on results.


Our team develops video content starting from conception through to fruition. Whether it’s a short clip, like an Instagram reel, TikTok, or YouTube short, or a longer piece, like an explainer (“how-to”) or a cross-platform campaign, we create productions that capture your brand’s story and your audience’s attention.

Discover the Power of Brand

When you partner with us, not only do you have a vast resource of marketing solutions at your fingertips, but you can expect your business to be handled with the utmost attention and creative determination. View our capabilities video to learn more or get in touch at 941.544.2765 or send us an email.

It’s an acronym that has been a part of the marketing nexus for years now, SEO. Search Engine Optimization. You’ve probably heard if you’re not using SEO for your site, then your business is missing out. For the most part, that’s correct, Google’s algorithm directs the flow of internet traffic, and the algorithm “likes” certain things. What is sometimes overlooked (or oversimplified) about SEO is that it’s not only about placing the right words and using them as many times as possible, but also about creating content and an experience that people find valuable and enjoyable.

The Hard Truth About SEO

There’s no tricking Google’s algorithm. It’s too smart these days, relying upon many different aspects to develop its rankings. It’s ever evolving to be better and provide better results for its users, so if you’re getting into the SEO game, you should be ready to put a lot of time and energy into it and not expect overnight results.
Sounds a bit disheartening, right? Well, here’s what we do know about SEO and an overview of implementations that drive results.


SEO is improving a website by working on specific elements that will help your site rank higher on Google’s results page. Why do you want to rank higher on Google? The most current statistic is 75% of people never go past the first page of search results. Then take into account that anyone can find anything from anywhere, and you’ll realize just how much competition there is in every industry and market.So, the higher on Google’s search results page you are, the more traffic your site will get, which ideally, should lead to more business for you.


Google’s algorithm for ranking sites is based on relevance and trust. The more relevant and trusted Google finds your answer, the more likely your site is to rank highly on a search results page. How does Google determine what’s relevant and trusted? Here are a few of the major factors that come into play with rankings.

Your content needs to be valuable and relevant to your audience. This is where your keywords live, but they shouldn’t be shoved into copy. Content for content’s sake won’t do. Content is also where site maintenance comes in. Fresh, updated content that your audience actually wants and finds value in will help you rank higher. Find out who your audience is and how you can give them what they’re looking for to generate great content.

Knowing your audience and what they are searching for is the easiest way to find useful keywords. Again, keywords shouldn’t be haphazardly placed into content because the number of times they were searched, instead gather keywords into topics and themes, allowing it to guide the kind of content you create, so that they are used organically.

Knowing your audience and what they are searching for is the easiest way to find useful keywords. Again, keywords shouldn’t be haphazardly placed into content because the number of times they were searched, instead gather keywords into topics and themes, allowing it to guide the kind of content you create, so that they are used organically.

When visitors go to your site and explore your pages, how quickly does it load? Not only does page speed contribute to Google rankings, but it also contributes to the level of user engagement. People will only wait so long for an answer they need before exiting out of a page. On the topic of user engagement, how visually attractive is your site? Is it easy to navigate? The user experience on your site should not be undervalued. A better experience leads to longer time spent on a site and a greater chance a user will engage with your business.

To establish trust with Google, your site should contain links, both internal and external, that provide value to your content and your audience. As is the rule of thumb with content and keywords, links should also be relevant, high-quality, and fit in naturally. If you’re debating whether to insert a link, ask yourself if it would add anything of value to the page or blog first. The answer to that question should tell you what to include or not.
SEO NEXT STEPSBy considering all these factors and beginning to chip away at each of them, you will optimize your site, as well as your searchability and rankings. An audit of your site is a good place start to begin your SEO journey. From there, you can see where your site is lacking and where you can improve. Have you reviewed your site’s health recently?


Still, implementing SEO can be an overwhelming and time-consuming endeavor. The best practice to remember that should ease the process is that at the end of day, SEO is about creating a stellar user experience filled with content tailored for your audience.

At Next-Mark, we understand the importance of an online presence along with the challenges it presents. That’s why we offer superior SEO and Digital Marketing services. If you feel our capabilities could assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out! 

Get in touch at 941.544.2765 or email us.

We would like to give you a look inside our team members’ recent ventures and life milestones, allowing you to get to know us a little better. Lately, we have traveled to far-off places, welcomed new life, produced works of art, and excelled in our fields. Welcome to our world!


Ryan Hoevenaar, our Director of Creative Strategy, welcomed a new member to the family in February when a healthy baby boy, Logan, was born on 2.9.23. Congratulations to Ryan and his family!


Next-Mark’s team is always reaching new heights both as an agency and individually. We are proud to announce that Travis Cornwell, our Manager of Client Experience and Development, received the honor of the Joe Curley Rising Leader Award from the Florida Public Relations Association. The award nominees highlight up-and-coming FPRA members that demonstrate emerging leadership traits, and the winner is recognized for their dedication to active involvement in FPRA Chapter activities, programs, functions, and events. Congratulations Travis!


Luke Piety, the team’s Creative Producer, produced and created a short documentary about The Anna Maria Island Players and their theatre’s rich history. The documentary first premiered at the Sarasota Film Festival in April, showing in the Florida Filmmaker category, and later, officially released to the public with a premiere at the Island Players Theatre itself on Anna Maria.

Watch the documentary here.


Our Manager of Client Experience, Matthew Fenton, recently embarked on a trip to Indonesia, backpacking around its beautiful isles and embracing the full spectrum of experiences these captivating islands have to offer. From the pristine beaches of Bali to the lush rainforests of Sumatra, Matthew traversed the beautiful landscapes while immersing himself in the vibrant culture of the island life. This extraordinary experience allowed him to witness life in its rawest form and dive into the breathtaking waters renowned as some of the best diving spots in the world.

The Value of Video Content

Most businesses today implement video to market their brand and raise their online presence. With the global average for time spent watching videos a day being 84 minutes, there is no arguing that the use of video is an effective way to grab an audience’s attention and foster engagement. And in today’s social media landscape, content with video receives 1200% more shares than text and image content combined.

Where to Implement Video Content

Smartphones changed the game. People can watch video anytime, anywhere, but with so much entertainment and information at everyone’s fingertips, content must capture viewers’ attention and with social media, it must do it quickly.

There are a number of avenues at your disposal to apply video. Here’s an overview of where you can take advantage of video content in digital marketing and expand your online presence.

Social Media 

If a social channel wasn’t originally geared toward video, it is now. TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Facebook are all driven by video content, and tweets that contain video on Twitter get 10x more engagement than without.

These videos work best in short form and are meant to attract audiences. For example, Instagram reels and stories can be up to 90 seconds long, and TikTok allows up to ten minutes, so it’s best to keep them brief. Brand films that showcase your values and mission, product demos, explainers and how-to videos, and product or event announcements are ways to draw viewers in and show off your brand’s personality.

Live Video and Webinars

Social media does allow for longer videos, mostly in the form of live streaming. Live video can be used to stream an event, product launches, seminars, expert interviews, Q&As, and much more. It makes your business more accessible, convenient and encourages viewers to comment and ask questions.

In the same vein, webinars provide live interaction with your audience. People seek out videos to teach them new skills and information, so why not use webinars to produce educational content that will develop consumer trust in your brand? Consider hosting one to reach a larger audience, generate and nurture quality leads, and position your business as an expert in your field.

Pro Tip: Recording live streams is an easy way to repurpose them later for other content, reutilizing clips from the video on social media and your website. 

Websites, Blogs, Emails

The investment and effort to create video content can be great but it’s also time and money well spent. Video content can be repurposed and distributed in so many ways, such as on your website and blog. Adding video to these helps increase SEO rankings by keeping your audience more engaged and on a webpage longer, and adding video to an email increases clicks by 300%

Developing a Video Marketing Strategy

“Video makes people pause what they’re doing to watch. Once you have their attention, the question is what will you show them that they’ll engage with and invest in?”

Joseph Grano, Next-Mark’s President and Founder

Create quality videos that are engaging for your target audience

Take advantage of the tools each platform has for video creation and application. When developing a video marketing strategy, understand first and foremost who your target audience is and then choose the right platforms to reach them. From there, get creative but know your audience well; you will be speaking to them on a personal level. Picking the best type of video for each platform and promotion is instrumental to a successful video strategy, as well.  

Although creating video content has become easier than ever with cameras on our phones that can film in 4k, at the end of the day, creating quality videos that drive positive results requires a little bit more than a smartphone.

At Next-Mark, our team is expertly equipped to develop a impactful video marketing strategy and is capable of producing high-quality videos for any platform that will kickstart and sustain engagement.

If you feel our capabilities could help you, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Get in touch at 941.544.2765 or email us.


By: Ashley Bernhardt

Modern PR and media relations have undergone vast changes in the past three years. Though traditional journalism outlets have scaled down, media relations are more relevant and pertinent to marketing than ever. With other media platforms expanding, navigating and assigning the appropriate importance to each can feel daunting. Here is what we know:


Social Media Influencers & Bloggers 

Social media’s reach is undeniable and those who have large followings have cultivated target audiences that can be hard to register with otherwise. Influencers are a media contact to consider when promoting a launch, campaign, or product that can prove valuable in increasing reach and fostering engagement.

Podcast, Webcast & Radio Hosts

An even greater relevant resource for media relations are podcast hosts. The rise in podcasts popularity is monumental and their content is a huge medium where people get their information. Although podcasts can be treated as media outlets and their hosts like journalists, doing the proper research and finding the appropriate shows to reach out to is essential. The right podcast can provide a format that informs as well as entertains, creating brand trust and garnering connection.


Along with a redefined version of what a media outlet is today, modern PR utilizes a variety of digital tools that can aid with nearly everything, such as monitoring earned coverage, measuring results, managing contacts and lists, press release distribution, and streamlining outreach.   


Not a replacement for earned media but a supplement to it, paid media does have a relevant place in the online and social media environments. Targeted advertising across social channels drives awareness of a brand and draws in your key audience prior to earned coverage, and a carefully crafted and curated paid placement can contribute to an earned strategy by reminding viewers of your unique value.   

Paid media doesn’t have to be the shameless advertorials of a decade ago, or more likely than not, shouldn’t be the plain self-promotions of the past. Paid content can be genuinely good and engaging, surrounding and boosting your earned media.


One thing is for certain in this new digital landscape, the importance of PR and media relations is still instrumental in marketing, and it’s not all “in with the new, out with the old.” All have a place in elevating your marketing strategies and delivering success.

If we can help with your Public Relations strategy, please reach out to info@next-mark.com

Client Relationship Management (CRM) software is ever-evolving and improving. With so much technology at your disposal and fingertips, where do you begin and how do you put it all into a cohesive strategy?

Why Use Salesforce

The options today for a CRM platform are numerous, but Salesforce continues to revolutionize and be the industry standard. With a multitude of tools, Salesforce can aid in all aspects of your business.

Whether your business lacks a systematic process or could improve upon its current processes, CRM brings greater insight and better organization to operations. It does this by keeping track of client interactions and sales data in ways such as managing leads, contacts, opportunities, and cases, as well as packs powerful means to aid in marketing and sales. 

The Benefits of Salesforce Implementations

Salesforce can streamline your project management, automate processes, and provide you with more data for better analytics.

How does CRM software make your business more efficient? 

Communication with clients and handoffs between departments become elevated with Salesforce. CRM creates a 360-degree view of leads, giving companies the ability to measure where a lead came from and prioritize it based on its most current information. Similarly, on the client communication side of things, sending contact forms and contract renewals via automation are just a couple of examples of routine processes that can collect data more efficiently. This type of project management saves your team time, so they can focus on areas that will bring more value to products and/or services.

What does automation do for optimizing operations? 

No matter how adept or organized the worker is, human error happens occasionally. Client data is often loaded with contact information, project notes and documents, and deliverables with deadlines. With Salesforce’s capabilities, errors that can occur with these procedures and data-capturing systems can be reduced by automation and free up your personnel to take on more clients without a decrease in quality.

Additionally, time management and scheduling become easier with Salesforce integrations. From assembling a list of current leads for a weekly meeting or sending out a renewal document when a contract is ending, CRM can automate it.

What can access to more data do for your business? 

As these technologies gather an impressive amount of data, companies are allowed to conduct detailed examinations of what is working or not working for their business. It can show in a quantifiable way which aspects of a marketing or sales strategy are valuable. To expand on this, companies can evaluate the ROI on a specific campaign, which contributes to the overall strategy of future campaigns.

Bringing It All Together

“CRM, along with every other facet of marketing, is one of many cogs in a wheel that, ultimately, have to work seamlessly together to produce a great product.”

Joseph Grano, Next-Mark’s President and Founder

Although the data collected from CRM and the analytics it provides is no doubt valuable, it’s important to recognize that this information and these numbers are just that without a savvy team to analyze and implement strategies based on them.

The integrations Salesforce possesses can be overwhelming and complex, so it may be in a company’s best interest to enlist an expert to maximize the benefits of implementation.

Helping Navigate and Implement Salesforce to the Fullest

At Next-Mark, we are a certified Salesforce Partner, which makes us especially skilled in finding the best ways of integrating the software into your business. CRM technology can do wonders for increasing your bottom line if you know what you are looking for and how to properly develop effective strategies from it. 

If you feel our capabilities could help you, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Get in touch at 941.544.2765 or email us.

Growing Upward and Reaching Further

The first quarter of 2023 at Next-Mark has been a time of new client growth, addition of new team members and important milestones for our business.

Off to a Great Start!

The first quarter of 2023 at Next-Mark has been a time of new client growth, the addition of new team members, and important milestones for our business.

I cannot credit our team enough for their hard work, dedication, and invaluable ingenuity. Despite the satisfaction and pride that comes with all the recognition, we are nowhere near finished in our endeavors to grow and push the envelope.

Joseph Grano

President and Founder, Next-Mark

Introducing Our New 2023 LookBook

We are pleased to present our 2023 LookBook! The LookBook not only highlights the incredible partnerships we have fostered but showcases Next-Mark’s exceptional and far-reaching creative capabilities.

Next-Mark Earns a Company Record of 17 American Advertising Federation ADDY® Awards

The 2022 awards span multiple categories that directly impacted the success of Next-Mark’s diverse clients. The categories of excellence we were recognized in included: integrated marketing campaigns, video, ambient media, branded content, and digital media, among others.

The Next-Mark team continues to be committed to delivering impactful creative content driven by a strategic business approach. To be recognized by our peers is a testament to our results-driven process, as well as the dedication of our team in delivering exceptional work on behalf of our clients.

The Beirut Peacekeepers Memorial Ceremony

Next-Mark is beyond grateful to have played a part in such a beautiful day honoring the veterans of Beirut and celebrating the groundbreaking of The Beirut Peacekeepers Memorial. Being able to orchestrate the media day on behalf of our clients Sweet Sparkman Architecture and Interiors and Willis Smith Construction felt like such an honor in getting the coverage an event like this deserves. The amount of support, love, and connectivity within this community couldn’t be more transparent in moments like these.

As it was said many times that day, “Never forget, and always remember the peacekeepers of Beirut.”

We’re Only Getting Started

Here at Next-Mark, we will continue to take on new challenges and embrace creative risks. We look forward to what the rest of the year will bring.

If you would like to collaborate with us, we would love to hear from you! 

Get in touch at 941.544.2765 or email us.

Award-winning Bay Runner turns one March 2

Ridership continues to grow and surpass expectations as the inaugural year for the complimentary open-air trolley service the Bay Runner is marked Thursday, March 2. Over 150,800 passengers have experienced the award-winning Bay Runner during the first 12 months of operation.

Sarasota, FL (March 1, 2023):  Ridership continues to grow and surpass expectations as the inaugural year for the complimentary open-air trolley service the Bay Runner is marked Thursday, March 2. Over 150,800 passengers have experienced the award-winning Bay Runner during the first 12 months of operation.  

“The popularity of the Bay Runner is greater than we could have imagined,” said Planning Director Steve Cover whose parking, mobility and transportation teams implemented the  City Commission’s vision of a free shuttle service to help alleviate traffic congestion between downtown and Lido Beach.  “People in Sarasota truly want to live more and drive less. The Bay Runner is a unique experiential service that is relaxing, fun and helps get vehicles off the road and reduce emissions in our beautiful coastal community.”

From the first day of service on March 2, 2022 when an impressive 208 passengers tried the Bay Runner, the trolley has become increasingly popular. In April 2022, the monthly ridership was 14,291. By February 2023, it grew to 17,000 passengers.

“The Bay Runner is a convenient, safe, and stress-free option to travel between the mainland and barrier islands,” said Mayor Kyle Battie.  “By opting to leave their vehicle behind and ride the trolley, each passenger is doing their part to reduce traffic congestion and that’s significant, especially during peak season. We’re proud of the Bay Runner’s success and want to keep the momentum going.”

The Bay Runner provides free service on a fixed route along Main Street through downtown, over the John Ringling Bridge, around St. Armands Circle and to Lido Beach and Ted Sperling Park. 

Service is available every day of the year from 8 a.m. to midnight.  A route map is available at www.SarasotaBayRunner.com A mobile app with real time tracking and arrival information can be downloaded via the Apple App Store and Google Play.

The Bay Runner carries 28 passengers, is equipped with a wheelchair boarding lift and transports bicycles.

The service is operated by CPR Medical Transport, the same company that runs the popular Siesta Key Breeze trolley.

The City Commission partnered with the Downtown Improvement District (DID), St. Armands Business Improvement District (BID), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and City staff to launch the trolley service. In addition to City economic development funds, and a $1.5 million FDOT grant, the DID and BID each allocate $50,000 annually toward the initial three-year program.

“We understand the important role the Bay Runner is playing with mobility,” said City Manager Marlon Brown. “We are reviewing all potential funding sources to ensure the trolley continues.”

The trolley, plus micromobility options, were identified through citizen input during the creation of the City’s first transportation master plan, Sarasota in Motion, adopted by the City Commission in 2020.

Just two weeks after the Bay Runner launch, the City rolled out a new e-scooter/bicycle rental program to provide quick, convenient mobility. Veo, the operator, is reporting record demand in Sarasota with 127,753 total trips taken between March 2022 and January 2023. Many riders incorporate the Bay Runner and Veo to reach their destination, by taking the trolley then a scooter or vice versa for the first or last mile of their trip.

The City’s trolley and e-scooter/bike rental programs were honored together in June 2022 by the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) with an Award of Excellence for innovation with a mobility program.

The Bay Runner also received four prestigious awards this month from the American Advertising Federation for creativity and excellence in branding and marketing provided by Sarasota-based marketing firm Next-Mark.


About the City of Sarasota:  Distinguished by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top 10 Best Places to Live in the U.S. and the number one place in Florida, the City of Sarasota is a diverse and inclusive community located on Florida’s Suncoast with 56,000 year-round residents, several internationally recognized cultural arts venues, stunning sunsets along Lido Beach and Major League spring training baseball with the Baltimore Orioles. Learn more about us at www.SarasotaFL.Gov


The Sarasota-based marketing and communications agency earns a company record of 17 awards for creative excellence

SARASOTA, Fla. – Next-Mark, a full-service marketing and communications agency serving clients in Florida and nationwide, announces it earned a company record of 17 ADDY® Awards at the Advertising Federation’s annual competition hosted by AdFed, the Florida Suncoast’s regional AAF club. 

The awards span multiple categories that directly impacted the success of Next-Mark’s clients. Clients for whom Next-Mark won awards include The City of Sarasota Bay Runner Trolley, Willis Smith Construction, The City of Sarasota Downtown Improvement District, Sweet Sparkman Architecture and Interiors, Sarasota Rising, and Elsevier. Categories of excellence included integrated marketing campaigns, video, ambient media, branded content, and digital media, among others. 

Specific work recognized included the launch of the City of Sarasota Bay Runner Trolley, The City of Sarasota Downtown Improvement District Brand Launch, Sarasota Rising Brand Launch, four Willis Smith videos, Sweet Sparkman Architecture and Interiors architectural videos, and Elsevier tradeshow design. 

“We are committed to delivering impactful creative content driven by a strategic business approach across client categories,” said Next-Mark president and founder, Joseph S. Grano, Jr. “To be recognized by our peers is a testament to our results-driven process, as well as the commitment of our team in delivering exceptional work on behalf of our clients. 

About Next-Mark

Next-Mark, LLC is a full-service, award-winning marketing communications agency based in Sarasota, FL. It helps business leaders beat their growth targets by delivering better competitive insights, more powerful branding, stronger strategies and faster results. Breaking away from the constraints of traditional marketing service organizations, the Next-Mark team facilitates new conversations about a client’s brand, integrating experience, analytics and innovation in developing strategic marketing solutions to meet clients’ individual needs. Next-Mark focuses on internationally and nationally recognized brands along with growing companies across a broad spectrum of categories, including healthcare, technology, hospitality and entertainment, technology, tourism, retail, destination, real estate, environmental, marine products and tourism. With clients from Beverly Hills to Amsterdam, its roster includes industry leaders such as Comcast/NBC, LexisNexis, Elsevier, Neuroflow, Nuance Communications, CMX/Cinebistro, Medecision, CGI, California Pizza Kitchen, along with Florida-based clients including The City of Sarasota, Willis Smith Construction, St. Armands Circle, Sweet Sparkman Architecture and Interiors, Sun Protection of Florida, Yarnall Moving and Storage, CitySide Apartments, and The Met Sarasota among others. For more information, visit its website at www.next-mark.com.
