Category: Blog
One day, long ago, I was raking leaves next to a busy road in Maine. Yes, there are such things. A car stopped, and the passenger asked me how to get to a certain park. I gave them such clear and concise directions that pride welled up in me as they disappeared down the road. Then it occurred to me that I had given them excellent directions, but to the wrong park. What’s worse, they would need to drive right past me again to get to the right park. So, as I figured how long it would take them to drive back to where I was, I stopped raking and hid inside the house.
In marketing, it’s rare to give your agency’s team members direction that is exactly opposite to what they need. But even the best marketing managers or directors find themselves giving direction that can almost do more harm than good. To help you help someone else (who definitely isn’t you) give better direction in creative projects, here are twelve quick steps.
1. Relax
Relax! Of course you don’t have time to relax when a big, threatening deadline is looking over your shoulder. But you also won’t have the time—or budget—for later corrections caused by giving vague or ambiguous direction right now.
2. Read
Take the time to review any materials being used as background or input for the new creative project. Missing key elements now will likely be harder to fix later on. Don’t just read the current version of the project; also read the overall project direction and guidelines occasionally to make sure you’re still on track.
3. Timing is Everything
If you’re responsible for setting delivery deadlines, be realistic. Whether your team is in-house or an outside agency, everyone is juggling multiple projects and deadlines already. So, setting an unrealistically short deadline is often counterproductive. When unnecessary time pressure takes over, that’s when mistakes get made.
4. Think CTA
Including an effective call to action (CTA) is just good marketing. Using the CTA as a focus will help you produce more effective direction, because it’s harder to stray from precision when you know exactly what you want your reader/viewer/prospect/customer to do next.
5. Get Your Specs On
Whether the end product is digital, video, print, radio, or whatever, it will need to follow all necessary specifications. Designers, for example, will need the exact dimensions of the image size and restrictions on file size. For copy, it’s normally word count. Every organization should have a brand guide that specifies proper usage of logos and colors in all applications, too.
6. Include Everything
They say editing is the hardest part of writing, but this step is actually about including all the elements required for the project. Little will frazzle a designer more, for instance, than adding an image or logo element they’ll need to include in the design after they’re already halfway finished. It’s similar for writing copy, too. In short, try to get everything to the project team at once, before they get started.
7. Copy That
Provide clean copy whenever possible. True, adding comments and marking up copy changes within a PDF can be expedient. And placing the comment exactly where the change needs to happen, that’s a good thing. But providing clean copy in a separate document is still the best way to make sure nothing gets lost in translation. After all, it’s very easy to miss or misunderstand copy changes when they’re embedded in comment blocks instead.
8. Mark it Up
I just gave some love to marking up PDFs for a reason. Whether you use Acrobat, Preview, or another tool to proof and indicate necessary changes—or use the “Track Changes” within Word—aim for clarity in your markups. Having marked-up versions along with clean-copy versions will make it much easier to backtrack at any point, if necessary.
9. Re-read
Sorry, just when you’d started forgiving me for asking you to read project materials more thoroughly, here I am asking you again. But investing a bit more of that time you don’t have will pay project dividends. Be empathetic and as much of a mind reader as possible: if there’s anything that might still be unclear when a project is approaching perfection, now’s the time to fix it.
10. Version Control
Software companies learned long ago that being very specific about versions—though painstaking—would help avoid confusion in the long run. For example, MacOS Catalina is actually Version 10.15.2 (19C57). Establish and stick to a straightforward system for tracking versions as changes are made. This holds true for copy and artwork.
11. Finally FINAL
As much as possible, avoid including the word “final” in the names of project files. This is extremely tempting, and much too common. By the way, capitalizing “FINAL” never prevents making changes later, either. It’s all about version control, so if you’re not using a meta-tag or filing system to identify status later on, at least use meaningful terms such as “print ready” or “with so-and-so’s markups” to distinguish among the many iterations you and your project team have created. As with version control, the goal is to avoid confusion for now and for later.
12. Distribute Wisely
Just as important as the specific direction is how it’s communicated to the project team. Take care to avoid ambiguity regarding who needs to do what. So, if you’re copying several people at once, parse the tasks and call out the team member responsible, in order to make it extra clear.
There are certainly worse habits to kick that giving less-than-perfect direction. But you (I mean your friend) will be pleasantly surprised by the improvements that can be made to creative marketing projects by following these steps.
Roughly 90 percent of U.S. businesses reportedly use social media as a marketing tool. That number is a testament to the power of online outreach and the opportunities it can provide to grow sales. As we head into 2020, those opportunities no doubt will grow themselves, as technology continues to evolve at an astonishing pace and in possibly bewildering array. Following are some of the related trends we believe you can expect to see in the New Year.
- Content Continues Its Reign . . .
. . . and high quality is expected. Remember that no one knows what you do better than you, so use that knowledge not only to inform but to assist your prospects and customers. The more content, the better, as you make it easier for search engines to find you and your relevant information.
- Internal Communication Strengthens
Businesses will take a fresh look at an under-used weapon – their own employees – by aligning and engaging them with corporate goals and plans, using digital tools to create an atmosphere that spurs productivity, team work and mutual pursuit of excellence.
- Brands Take a Stand
This election year is expected to see more brands weigh in on issues that impact their brand purpose and audiences, as noted in Forbes. “Research has shown that trust among government is down, and more people are looking to their workplace and brands that emulate their personality and beliefs to drive change. For brands, it’s an opportunity to demonstrate their cultural relevance.”
- Customer Experience Drives Sales
The customer experience is predicted to become the leading brand differentiator in 2020 taking Customer Relationship Marketing to a new level of necessity. “Consumers agree, according to a 2019 Salesforce survey. In it, 84% of respondents ranked the importance of experience at the same level as products or services.”
- Companies Get Personal
Most leading marketers agree that 2020 is going to see an explosion in personalized marketing, reaching out to consumers tired of the generic and the irrelevant. We saw this coming, in a recent survey 90 percent of consumer participants said they would be more likely to give their business to a company that offered them a personalized experience.
- Surveys Get Shorter, “Smarter”
Tired of tedious, and often clunky surveys, consumers will drive companies to create “micro surveys” as quick pop-ups on phones or websites if they are to succeed in information gathering in the next decade. The most sophisticated research eventually will incorporate artificial intelligence in the data collection process and lay the foundation for real-time, “conversational” marketing.
- Going with the Pros
It’s taken awhile, but business leaders are acknowledging that digital marketing is its own animal and needs a plan and strategy. Rather, digital marketing needs to be driven by people who know what they’re doing on each and every relevant platform available – while always looking for the next.
- Thoughtful Outreach
Now, more than ever, it’s not enough to just post on a regular schedule. Each piece of outreach should be developed to inspire conversations, establish your place in existing ones and create meaningful relationships.
We no doubt will be talking more in-depth about these and other digital trends in the New Year, as they continue to alter marketing in our ongoing digital age. Until then, we’re here to take on the task or answer any questions you might have as 2020 looms with unprecedented outreach opportunities. Wishing you continued success in the new year!
I recently spoke to the Florida Public Relations Association on “Building and Nurturing High Performance Teams.” In preparation, I polled a number of seasoned marketing communications professionals and senior executives, asking for their expertise, candor and insights into building and nurturing high-performance communications teams.
My questions were couched in the key assumption that high performance goes well beyond traditional communications skills or technical marketing acumen, as well as in acknowledgement that we’re talking about people with a lot on their plates, both professionally and personally, from unrelenting deadlines to family obligations.
Still, something this important must get done. And it’s well worth the effort – for everyone involved – as employees are inspired to do their best work and stay in place, contributing to the bottom line for overall business sustainability and success.
To build anything, however, you have to know what it should look like. And that’s what my respondents provided, with their advice culminating in 10 traits that define a high-performance communications team.
- An Environment of Trust. Trust is the foundation for every functional team and must flow across the business continuum among peers, clients, subordinates and colleagues. Successful marketers actively guard this characteristic, as broken trust is almost impossible to restore.
- Self-Awareness that Challenges the Status Quo. This requires staying involved without over-managing.While you need processes in place to ensure accuracy and compliance, you don’t want to become the team proofreader or a bottleneck. It’s also important to develop input sources with multiple points of view including customers, prospects, lost clients, sales team members, etc.
- A Culture of Learning. Those who truly excel at their craft foster continuous learning, both formally and informally. Be sure to stay open minded about new technologies and new ways of doing things — and learn to do them yourself instead of deferring to the early adopters. That said, never let go of your professional past experience — your wisdom may be indispensable.
- A Willingness to Move Beyond Labels. If someone is better than you in a particular discipline, think of them as a complement to your talents rather than a threat.Teams should be a well-rounded mix of energetic and savvy younger talent, coupled with the wisdom of tenured industry experts.
- A Passion for Excellence. High-performing teams have a profound passion for excellence. They champion each initiative with a drive toward greatness. They neversettle for average, but strive for the next level of success. They also are self motivators. The most successful members of any team are the ones who don’t wait for the request – they’re the ones who think about the objectives and look for both new and tried-and-true ways to achieve those goals.
- Celebration of Failures. Really? Yes. Let go of the small things and move on from mistakes. You can’t control everything, so focus on big-picture ideas to achieve team success. Don’t dwell on your shortfalls; use them as a springboard to your next level of achievement.
- Willingness to Share Risk. Your team needs to stay on top of the plan to make sure the ball doesn’t get dropped. That’s why it’s imperative that you help them understand the strategy, not just execute on it. Teams are always more effective if they understand the “why.”
- Sense of Humor. A shared sense of humor must be present. The demands of any profession are serious; however, there needs to be room for appropriate hilarity.Laughter is essential – if we can’t take the time to laugh, something is damaged at a basic human level.
- Mentorship is Integral. Seek mentors outside your group and completely different than your team members for an alternative perspective. Mentor even the more experienced team members to help them stretch and move toward their career aspirations.
- Embrace Success. Do not succumb to cynicism. Be authentic in your journey and attract the team members and business colleagues who share your values. Above all, don’t be afraid to take risks.
Here are a few direct quotes that are well worth remembering as we strive to foster performance that drives excellence.
“True professionals understand that communications is a discipline — it’s not glad-handing or a creative think tank.”
- “If you inherit a team, give yourself time to trust their insights before changing up everything.”
- “Self-awareness means keenly understanding your individual and collective strengths and weaknesses.”
- “To survive in marketing communications, you need to re-invent yourself twice a decade or more.”
- “Your failures will always have more information than your successes.”
We once engaged with a new client whose leaders were among the most enthusiastic and involved professionals we’d ever seen. They were revved up about their company’s abilities, its accomplishments and its future, and eager to tell us why. Thus, our strategic messaging sessions with them produced marketing communications gold.
Funny thing, though. Very few nuggets of that gold could be found in their existing marketing outreach. Pretty much none.
The reason was obvious. As a challenger brand in a competitive market, they had positioned themselves to align with their peers, saying what those companies said and what they thought they were expected to say. Given their success, it obviously worked. But, given that success, it was now time to step away from the crowd, showing their unique niches, abilities and personality.
This involved a new strategic plan and a strategic messaging architecture to support it. We were happy to help with the latter, creating a foundation for a cohesive image, compelling content, a strong voice in the marketplace and consistency in all interactions – with employees, prospects, customers, investors and partners.
There are various types of strategic messaging frameworks, some simple, some extremely complicated. Some plans are created internally; others rely on outside consultants for a fresh, unbiased view. All, however, should incorporate the following:
- A value statement that lays out organizational priorities and core beliefs.
- A positioning statement that puts the “why” in “why us.”
- The target audiences to be reached.
- How the organization meets those audiences’ needs, solves their problems or improves their lives.
- Primary and secondary messaging to keep the proverbial horse in front of the proverbial cart.
There are entire books written on the subject, but, simply put: Messaging can have more of an impact than almost anything else in business. When driven by strategy, it also can be a source of rejuvenation and a springboard for advancement in the marketplace.
Let us know if you’re ready to jump on that trampoline. It can be fun and exhilarating, as well as meaningful.
This past week I spoke at the Digital Summit Charlotte on “Amplifying Thought Leadership through Content Creation.” I want to share the key points from my presentation with you here. In a world of too much information, quality information is gold. Being the source of that gold is an advantage in the marketplace and an opportunity not to be missed.
That, basically, is what Thought Leadership Content Curation is all about—gathering relevant, engaging, fact-based information, then adding value and sharing that information with targeted audiences. It involves tapping into the talent, experience and passion inside your business, or from your community, to answer the biggest questions on the minds of your target audience.
This is done with the goal of establishing yourself, your organization or the position you represent as the “go-to” for credible, sustainable and powerful content, enabling you to enter the conversation early in the consumer journey. Such thought leadership also creates an affinity for your brand and develops a new level of intimacy with your audience. It’s also extremely cost efficient.
When I say “thought leaders,” I’m not talking about self-appointed pontificators. Instead, I’m talking about informed opinion leaders who are trusted, inspirational and aspirational.
Ready to raise your visibility (a.k.a. amplify your thought leadership) in your space? Here are 10 steps to guide you in launching a sustainable Thought Leadership Content Curation program for your organization:
- Get Buy-in From the Top.Thought Leadership Content Curation requires high-level support and impetus to create and maintain a viable effort.
- Build Your Thought Leadership Platform.
A few points to consider:
- Do not “curate” images that you don’t have the rights to. Be aware of copyright issues.
- Link back to the original source. Provide appropriate references – make it a win-win.
- Make it your own. Don’t just copy, put it in your own words.
- Start with content that is of the highest value. Curate content of interest that is shareable.
- Elevate the conversation. Dare to be bold.
- Identify Your Sphere of Influence. This is done by asking three simple questions: Whom do you want to reach? What will resonate with your audience? How will you do it?
- Move Beyond Influence and Create a Conversation About Your Brand. Tell your story, aligning your leadership message to your brand, in a consistent and ethical manner.
- Build an Arsenal of Thought Leadership Assets. These “weapons” include infographics, blogs, facts from trusted sources, case studies, social media posts, white papers, executive briefs, etc. Remember that the same information can be used different ways; make the most of your content.
- Stand Out in the Crowd. Curate thought leadership content that drives results by identifying topics that align with your brand, maximizing the opportunity to gain share of mind and adding value to existing content that is memorable, shareable and sustainable.
- Select the Optimal Channels. Know your audience and choose the appropriate channels to move your message forward.
- Always be Strategic.Thought Leadership Content Curation is goal-driven. Each single effort should add to the whole.
- Measure your Results.Perform routine audits to measure results including online metrics, response rates and monitoring formal and informal conversations about your brand.
- Communicate your Success. Remember to share your results with your team.
And throughout it all, remember:
- Seek to showcase excellence.
- Create engaging, thought-provoking content.
- Be authentic, concise and fact-based.
- Attract the appropriate audience for your message.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks.
There is a wealth of thought leadership content that is never promoted to its full potential. Make yours work for you and your brand.
If we can help with your next thought leadership initiative, please contact us, We can be reached at 941.544.2765 or by email. For more information about all of our capabilities, view our Online LookBook.
Marketing research has one primary purpose: to fortify decision-making. Marketing Research should always fit within a larger scheme of strategic intelligence. This enables you to gain a knowledge base that is comprised of data, ideas, and business drivers. Within each are specific information sources useful and vital for decision-making. It is one of the most profound ways to listen to your customers.
It can support a very specific question or it can be a “compass” pointing your organization in the right direction. Whether you want to measure client or employee satisfaction, identify attributes for a new product or generate new ideas for your business, here are ten points to consider:
- Begin with the End in Sight– When initiating any research project, it is critical to consider your long-term business objectives before starting any project. Be as specific as possible.
- Be Strategic– Marketing research may very well be your most important support tool in developing your strategic plan. Use the intelligence gained to support your long-term strategic goals.
- Objectivity Matters– Remove all biases when conducting research studies. Most research is conducted externally to ensure objectivity.
- Use Leading-Edge Methods– The marketing research arsenal is filled with powerful comprehensive analytical tools to support your research project. From conjoint studies, online surveys to focus groups, among a multitude of others. Familiarize yourself with a wide range of choices in supporting your research program.
- Quantitative or Qualitative– Understand the important difference between securing quantitative versus qualitative information. Both are critical in your success. Each study should provide a balance of both.
- Do it Yourself?– There are numerous online tools that are easily accessible for marketing research. Although they can be very helpful, remember marketing research is a science that cannot always be satisfied with quick techniques and spontaneous answers. Be cautious in using these online tools. Although useful, they may not provide the comprehensive approach your business may demand.
- Consider the Continuum– It is important to understand that marketing research should be part of a continuum of analytical activities. Although one research method may satisfy your needs, it is sometimes best to integrate a range of research tools at different phases of your research plan.
- Maximize Your Metrics– Numbers matter. Establish measurements to track your marketing research effectiveness and direction. This will allow you to benchmark results.
- Do the Analysis– Gathering data is only one aspect of a marketing research initiative. It is critical to analyze each phase of your research initiative. Conduct intuitive and detailed analysis to interpret the results of your study and analyze the data gathered.
- Communicate the Results– Perhaps the most important aspect of any marketing research project is communicating the results of the study. This is an important opportunity to share critical insights and establish a platform for objective discussion within your organization.
The Next-Mark team has conducted a wide-range of marketing research studies including brand research, employee and client satisfaction, product research, pricing analysis, among others. We creatively design and execute market research engagements to deliver insight, experience, and highly reliable marketing research results.
If you are considering a marketing research study, contact us and learn how we can assist, Please give us a call at 941.544.2765 or email us to get in touch. For more information about all of our capabilities, view our Online LookBook.
As a marketer or business owner, you may want ways to utilize Instagram to help build brand awareness and even bring traffic to your website. Converting from a personal account to a business account on Instagram can give you more options to work with. Here are just a few:
1. Insights
Insights are analytics about your Instagram posts, including number of impressions, reach, and what actions followers took when they saw the post. By doing this, you can increase your awareness of how your followers engage with your posts. It will also show you what percentage of the accounts you reached weren’t already following you, along with some basic demographic info.
2. Boosting
Boosting on Instagram is a form of paid advertising, similar to Google Ads or Facebook Ads. When you create a new post, Instagram will prompt you with a “Promote” button. You can also go back to older posts and do the same thing. There are many options for targeting the audience you want to reach and setting daily and campaign budget limits. By the way, a Facebook account is needed to pay for Instagram boosting, as there’s not a place to pay for advertising on Instagram.
3. Ads
Beyond boosting posts, businesses can also advertise using a variety of ad formats, from photos to stories to videos and more. The place to start creating an ad is in Facebook’s Ads Manager. You have many options for having your ads run on Instagram, Facebook, and elsewhere. You can even pick and choose where you want the ads to appear within the various social platforms.
4. Stories
One of the most widely used features on Instagram is stories. They appear at the top of the follower’s Instagram feed, are limited to 15 seconds as videos, and disappear after 24 hours. A business account isn’t needed to utilize stories, but it is required to add the swipe up feature to the mix. Statistics show that about one third of viewed stories are posted by businesses. Stories can be very engaging and provide a quick way for followers and potential customers to learn more about your business.
5. Swipe Up
Instagram’s swipe up feature provides your followers with an easy way to get to your website via a link on your Instagram stories. Many businesses use this to link to a specific product page or promotion. This feature can be accessed on your business account by clicking the link icon. The catch is that you must have 10,000 followers to get this feature!
In order to gain access to these Instagram features, you will need to switch from a personal account to a business account. First, make sure you have a Facebook page set up for your business. Then, go to settings in the mobile Instagram app and go to Account. At the bottom of the screen, click on the link for “Switch to Professional Account,” then follow the process. There is no fee for a professional Instagram account.
By switching to a business account and using these features, you should be able to increase the number of people who follow you on Instagram and give them more ways to interact with your business.
At Next-Mark, we help clients develop powerful videos, taking them from concept to completion and beyond. If you’d like help creating videos that work effectively as strategic content, please give us a call at 941.544.2765 or email us to get in touch. For more information about all of our capabilities, view our Online LookBook.
Whether it’s online, corporate, YouTube, a trade show booth or kiosk—whatever the device—your company should be using videos to further its cause. For business, videos can take many forms and serve a wide range of purposes. Live action, motion graphics, interviews, whiteboard animation, voiceover, and music can be used to communicate stories that move your brand forward with video.
- Be Strategic!
As with anything in business, starting from a strategic standpoint will always pay dividends. Some videos will need to sell a vision, others must explain a product concept or teach essential skills. Still others will leverage capturing live events in a way that can be shared and extended to maximize their value. Always start with a clear idea about what each video is supposed to accomplish.
- Tell Your Story with an Impactful Script
It’s all about the story, and writing the script professionally is the all-important stage when the story really starts to take shape. All the elements—words, sounds, motion graphics, animation—must be ordered and presented in a way that effectively communicates what the finished video will be. Next step: storyboarding.
- Create a Storyboard that Visually Embodies Your Message
Videos are built one sequence at a time, and the best (and most cost-effective) way to visualize the whole story is through a storyboard. Walt Disney Studios developed the concept in the 1930s to help bring its ground-breaking animation work to life. Storyboarding is just as important for live-action and explainer videos, as it forms an important bridge between the script and the screen.
- Let Your Sound Choices Resonate
Sound must be an integral part of every video. Choose music, voiceover, and any other sound sources based on how to best tell the story and stay true to your brand. Also, though we’re about a hundred years into the sound era for film, many viewers still watch video on mobile or desktop without the audio turned on. Consider adding closed captions during the editing stage. Plan ahead, though. Captions should be handled during the scripting phase as well.
- Minimize Text to Maximize Impact
Viewers of news programs have become used to a deliberate overload of text elements on screen. In most cases, this is the exact opposite of the approach to take when producing a video for business. Viewers process images and infographics much more quickly than they do text, so keep text to a minimum and make sure that every bit of text earns its keep by delivering or at least reinforcing your key messages.
- Leverage Infographics for Dynamic Content
If any part of your video needs to convey data, use infographics, never simple numbers. From a two-colored pie chart to stylized people and objects that move and change, your video will communicate with more clarity and power with infographics. By the way, as a client, you won’t need to supply the infographics; your agency will create them for you.
- Let Video Empower Your Brand
Of course, every aspect of the video should follow brand standards regarding use of logos, fonts, and other design elements. Not so obvious, but just as important to consider: the new video will become part of your brand. Make sure that it has the correct tone and production values it needs to fit in.
- Time is Everything
That’s not a typo. Timing is important, too, but the point here is to keep it short—but not always. YouTube considers four minutes as the limit for a “short” video. Shorter videos are more likely to be shared, too. But never rush a story. If the script runs longer because you’re covering lots of territory or the topic is complex, then the length of the video will have to stretch as well.
- Parse it Out
You can increase the value and ROI of every one of your videos by planning them to be parsed later on. Modular videos can be repurposed for kiosks, trade show exhibits, and social media. For training videos, for example, consider breaking a longer video into several smaller ones, each with a step or two in the process. Take advantage of the video platforms’ playlists to organize the videos for viewers.
- Power Up Your CTA (Call to Action)
In most cases, you will want your video to inspire viewers to take action. This can take the form of a call, a visit to a website, or sharing the video on social media. There are even ways to add interactivity such as polls or quizzes to your videos. Especially for longer videos, include a call to action well before the end. It’s related to the old sales warning to “never talk past the close.” If the viewer has already grasped the value of your video’s message, they should have the option to take the next step already.
At Next-Mark, we help clients develop powerful videos, taking them from concept to completion and beyond. If you’d like help creating videos that work effectively as strategic content, please give us a call at 941.544.2765 or email us to get in touch. For more information about all of our capabilities, view our Online LookBook.
In horse racing, there are three so-called straight bets. Win means you just absolutely know that a particular horse will come in first. Good for you. Omniscience is a handy skill. Place will give you the win if your horse comes in first or second. It’s a safer bet, but with a lower potential payout. With show, you’ll be in the money even if your horse makes it onto the podium with third place. Even lower winnings, but still much more visible and memorable than fourth place.
So, what does all this have to do with Google Ads? Let’s get this back on track [pun intended]. Long story short, you don’t have to bet to win every time in order to do well at the Google Ads track. It’s not as if people only click on the very top ad. Though it’s somehow always exciting to come in first, it can get expensive pretty fast.
Just as betting on the jockey is sometimes the best strategy, doing your homework on keyword bids can pay off for your campaigns. There is often quite a gap in the winning bids it takes to get first and second place in ads returned by searches, and an even bigger gap (much lower bid) between second and third. Keep an eye on the average ranks in your campaigns and see how your lower-ranking bids are converting. After all, conversions are what you’re really after, not first-place rankings. By bidding a bit less aggressively but still being in the mix of the first several results, you might be happy with how this part of your marketing budget can bring in more cost-effective wins.
Remember, there’s always at least one winner in this Google Ads challenge. Whenever someone clicks on your ad, whether or not they end up converting via your site—Google always gets its payout for your winning bid!